Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Super Grandpa

I am a lucky man in many aspects of my life, but one thing I am especially lucky to have is all of my grandparents living. Last Friday my Grandpa Theurer turned 90 years old and the wholefamily got together to celebrate his birthday. While some families might celebrate a 90th birthday quietly with cake we celebrated it with bowling. When I told one of my friends this they laughed and proceeded to an impression of an old man trying to throw a bowling ball. They have never met my grandpa.

My grandpa is an avid golfer during the warm months and consistently shoots in the 80's and 90's. That is good for any amateur golfer but amazing for someone his age. I doubt that there are very many golfers out there that can shoot less than their age in golf!

When it is too cold for golf my grandpa gets together with his buddies and goes bowling. The week before his birthday he bowled in the 220's!! Basically my Grandpa Theurer is awesome.

The whole Theurer Family with my Grandpa and Grandma in the middle.

Me and my Uncle Rich who is also amazing.

My Grandpa's awesome bowling birthday cake.

One more amazing part of my grandpa that I almost forgot to mention. He is a good luck charm. The night we went bowling I bowled to two best games of my life (180 and 140) and got the only two turkeys of my life. Grandpa was impressed :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

That Time of the Year

Every year, for just a few short weeks something truly magical happens. An event that brings people together in a spirit of unity and thanksgiving all working together for the common good.

This time is, of course, the few short weeks in which college basketball and college football seasons overlap.

If there are two things that I love about the college experience it is college sports, especially basketball and football. So when I have the chance to go to both of these events in the same week I get super excited.

Last week I went to the home opener of BYU Basketball at the Marriott Center and it was awesome. The house was packed to the brim with people in white shirts all working together for the common good of cheering our team to victory! And we won!

If you look closely you can see me in the top left corner of the picture.

This week I get to go to the Utah State Game on Wednesday (which could be even better than last weeks game!) AND the BYU Football game on Saturday (and maybe even ANOTHER basketball game on Saturday). Could there be a better remedy to a week of crazy school work than two BYU sporting events? The answer is yes, THREE BYU sporting events!

Sadly, this wonderful overlapping time only lasts a little while so we better take advantage of it the best we can.

See you at the game!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Niece and Nephew

Wanna see the cutest thing you have ever seen? Look below.

That right there is my niece Sofie. She calls me Mitol, wears pink "pip pops" ie. flip flops, and is super fun (at least when she is with her Uncle Michael, her mom could probably attest otherwise).

And here is my nephew Soren.

He is awesome and loves transformers and is starting to learn some sports like lacrosse and soccer.

Today I got to hang out with these two for about an hour. We went to the duck pond, wrestled and just had a good time. They both live in Arizona so I almost never get to see them but when I do it just makes my day.

If you have a niece or nephew you know exactly what I mean. If you don't..... convince one of your siblings to get married and have some kids. If you are an only child...well...I'm sorry but you are just going to have to go convince someone to share their niece and/or nephew with you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Spring is in the air

Well I know it’s been a little while since my last blog entry (probably because it isn’t required for my English class anymore) but I have decided to start typing again so that you all can enjoy my amazing literary genius. Well I hope that I am not jinxing myself when I say that spring has finally arrived! We had a little scare this week with some snow (yes, SNOW in MAY!!!) but the last few days have been amazing weather. There is only one thing I am missing to be able to fully enjoy this wonderful spring weather, and that is someone very close to me. Betsy. I have known Betsy for about five years now and we are very close. We enjoy spending time together and going for rides up on the hills in east Provo. The only problem is that Betsy has been in the repair shop for the last two and a half weeks (by the way Betsy is not a person, she is my blue 150 cc scooter). But I don’t want anyone worrying about her. There is nothing seriously wrong, just a leaky valve and loose breaks. The great people at The Scooter Lounge have been working around the clock to get her back to me and hopefully she will be back very soon.

So I will not bore you with any more details about my transportation needs but know that I am back to blogging and hopefully will be able to find some interesting stuff to write about!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


This week some friends and I got together and played possibly the best night game ever, commando. For those of you who haven’t played commando, it is a night game where you have one counter, several bases, and many commandos. The counter will announce that he will count to a certain number and then close his eyes and count all the way down from that number. The purpose of the game is for the commandos to touch all the bases and then tag the counter without being seen by the counter and called out.

It might seem simple but this game is a lot of fun. The whole time you are madly dashing to the next base or spot hiding spot and then diving to hide yourself before the counter reaches zero and opens his eyes. The adrenaline gets pumping and you find yourself attempting feats that normally would raise a red “don’t do that” flag. At one point I underestimated the height of a drop as well as the bushes underneath. The counter was about to reach zero and so I vaulted over the fence only to find myself crashing down through some not so friendly bushes. Did it hurt? O yea. Was it worth it? Of course! I didn’t even get caught. And that was just one of many awesome (and sometimes painful) stunts pulled by my friends and me that night.

So next time you are looking for something amazingly fun to do at night GO COMMANDO!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April Fool's

This week we all got to see that Mother Nature does indeed have a sense of humor, a sick one, yet a sense of humor nonetheless. April Fool’s day is supposed to be a day where you can get a laugh at someone else’s expense without getting in trouble. Most April Fool’s day pranks are good natured and are always good for a laugh when we look back and remember them. Mother Nature apparently did not get the memo.

I bet you all were similarly surprised when you stepped out your door and instead of feeling the warm April sun, you felt snowflakes land on your face and a chilly February wind freeze your hopeful flip-flop clad feet. Yes, this April first Mother Nature surprised us all with a prank of her own, a free weather trip back in time to the cold days of February.

In fact she was so pleased with herself that this morning, Easter, instead of a green lawn full of colorful Easter eggs I found a few inches of wet white snow!

Mother Nature, please stop trying to be funny, no one likes you or your sickly cold jokes. If you want to be popular, give me the warm weather that I have been waiting so many months for.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Festival of Colors

HARE KRISHNA!!! What does Hare Krishna mean you ask? I have no idea. But for those of you who went to the Festival of Colors yesterday you most likely went crazy dancing to a monk singing it for three hours.

The Festival of Colors happens once a year and is some kind of Hindu spring celebration. But if you ask any of the 10,000 college students who attended why they were there, they will not mention anything about Hindu, spring, or religion. There is only one reason why the Festival of Colors is so popular and that is chalk. Yes chalk, but not just any chalk, I’m talking about colorful, throw in your face get everywhere chalk, and lots of it.

Basically the entire purpose of the festival is to buy this colorful chalk and throw it at people while you dance and go crazy to repetitively awesome Hindu music. This continues for quite a while and just when you begin to think that there is no way for you to get any dirtier, it happens, the cloud. The cloud is the pinnacle of the festival. The head monk leads all 10,000 people in a countdown from 20 and when he reaches 0 everyone throws their chalk in the air at the same time. Think that sounds like a dirty idea? You have no idea. Last year the cloud was seen 10 miles away. For those lucky enough to be in the cloud the exact opposite happens, visibility shrinks to about 10 inches as you are choked and colorfied in the crazy color cloud. It is awesome.

You leave the festival energized, full of hare krishna spirit, sneezing purple, and with colorful chalk all over. Do I recommend the Festival of Colors? Yes. I promise that you will never have so much fun while getting so dirty.