Sunday, April 11, 2010


This week some friends and I got together and played possibly the best night game ever, commando. For those of you who haven’t played commando, it is a night game where you have one counter, several bases, and many commandos. The counter will announce that he will count to a certain number and then close his eyes and count all the way down from that number. The purpose of the game is for the commandos to touch all the bases and then tag the counter without being seen by the counter and called out.

It might seem simple but this game is a lot of fun. The whole time you are madly dashing to the next base or spot hiding spot and then diving to hide yourself before the counter reaches zero and opens his eyes. The adrenaline gets pumping and you find yourself attempting feats that normally would raise a red “don’t do that” flag. At one point I underestimated the height of a drop as well as the bushes underneath. The counter was about to reach zero and so I vaulted over the fence only to find myself crashing down through some not so friendly bushes. Did it hurt? O yea. Was it worth it? Of course! I didn’t even get caught. And that was just one of many awesome (and sometimes painful) stunts pulled by my friends and me that night.

So next time you are looking for something amazingly fun to do at night GO COMMANDO!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April Fool's

This week we all got to see that Mother Nature does indeed have a sense of humor, a sick one, yet a sense of humor nonetheless. April Fool’s day is supposed to be a day where you can get a laugh at someone else’s expense without getting in trouble. Most April Fool’s day pranks are good natured and are always good for a laugh when we look back and remember them. Mother Nature apparently did not get the memo.

I bet you all were similarly surprised when you stepped out your door and instead of feeling the warm April sun, you felt snowflakes land on your face and a chilly February wind freeze your hopeful flip-flop clad feet. Yes, this April first Mother Nature surprised us all with a prank of her own, a free weather trip back in time to the cold days of February.

In fact she was so pleased with herself that this morning, Easter, instead of a green lawn full of colorful Easter eggs I found a few inches of wet white snow!

Mother Nature, please stop trying to be funny, no one likes you or your sickly cold jokes. If you want to be popular, give me the warm weather that I have been waiting so many months for.