Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a Game!

I don't think that I would be a true BYU fan if I did not blog about my wonderful experience yesterday, culminating in an exciting victory over a face-punching Utah.
What can I say, I love BYU and have always been a huge fan. So when BYU and Utah go head to head you know that I will be there. Now that doesn't mean that I am going to wait in a tent for a week to get a good seat. But if that's your style, good for you, I can respect that, you really really want a good seat and are willing to be cold for a week to get it. I on the other hand just love being in the student section and feeling the energy of the other true cougar fans. I love the cheers, the chants, the fight song, and just going crazy when Jimmer drains a 3 or BYU gets a sweet dunk.
So even though I won't wait a week for a good seat, being a little closer is always better, so my friend and I were out there in front of the Marriott center at one o'clock to soak in the pre-game atmopsphere and play some games in line while we waited for others of our group to arrive, and more importantly, to wait for our chance to cheer on the cougars to another glorious victory. The wait was well worth it. After a few hours sitting on a blanket with a hand-warmer that refused to warm we finally got our chance to rush through the doors and grab our well-earned seat in the student section.
For those of you who saw the game there is no need for me to give a recap because it was unforgettable. For those of you who didn't see it you need to, so I won't recap it for you either, that is what is for. I will however point you to the link I will post (if I can figure out how) to the youtube video that shows a Utah player showing a bit of "classlessness" and punching Jackson Emery in the face. But know this, it was a spectacular game, an awesomely exciting win, and best of all a win over the Utes! What else needs to be said? GO COUGARS!!

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