Sunday, January 10, 2010

My first blog!

Well thanks for visiting my blog. At first glance the name of this blog might seem a little strange to people who don't know me personally (or people who know me but don't know how to pronounce my last name). My name is Mike Theurer and that weird looking last name is actually pronounced TIRE, yes, like a car tire (thus the rolling along pun).
I never envisioned myself getting into blogging, much less making my own. But for my MCOM 320 class at BYU one of our assignments is to create a blog and write in it every week. At first I had my doubts and wasn't too excited about the assignment. But after much pondering and self reflection (and realizing that I had to do it for a grade) I realized that maybe blogging won't be so bad after all (this is where you let out a shocked gasp... it's okay... no need to be shy).
Well there you have it, my fist blog entry. I hope that you will join me in my blogging adventure and will come back to see where this all goes. As the title says this is Rolling along with a Theurer (remember Theurer=Tire) so we are just gonna roll along and talk about whatever happens to be interesting me at the moment. So stay tuned!

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