Saturday, January 23, 2010

Murder in the Dark

Okay well last week I as going to tell you about an awesome new game that I played called Murder in the Dark. But because I can easily get off tangent I spent time talking (or blogging...whatever) about games in general. At the end of last week's blog I promised that this week I would repent and talk about my new favorite game, so here it goes.
Murder in the Dark has that familiar flavor of your other night games but it is a lot more exciting. The basic premise of the game is that there is one murderer (it can be done with two) and he/she wants to kill everyone while the other players want to stay alive while trying to catch the murderer. To start the game you draw pieces of paper, one of which has an X, to decide who the murderer is (the one who picks the paper with the X). You then turn off all the lights in the house (yes, all of them, thus the name murder in the DARK) and scatter. You can hide, you can simply wander, or do whatever, but be wary because the whole time the murderer is trying to find someone or someones to kill. He/she does this by sneaking up and passing their hand across the victims neck, the victim must then collapse to the floor without a sound. The murderer may then try to stash the body if he/she so sees fit. This goes on until someone comes across a body or witnesses a murderer. When this happens witness screams and turns the lights on. The survivors then vote who they think the culprit is and kill them (not literally please). If they killed the murderer the game ends, if not it continues.
The reason I like this game so much is because it feels very real. You know that nothing can happen but you are still afraid of everyone that comes near you because they could be wanting to kill you. If you are the murder it is fun because you have to be sneaky and kill without being seen and if you are seen you must kill the witnesses before they can raise the alarm. All in all a very enjoyable way to spend an evening with friends. So now I just solved the problem for what each of you are going to do this next weekend. Don't worry the weekend will come fast.
So that's it for this time. Tune in next time and I will talk (blog) about.....something, don't worry it will be cool. Have a great week!

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