Sunday, March 21, 2010

The True Meaning of March Madness

Well March Madness is now in full swing and what a madness it has been. I said last week that filling out a bracket is like trying to “predict the unpredictable”; these last few days have proven that true. Who would have guessed that Kansas would lose to Northern Iowa? Or that Villanova would get beat by St. Mary’s? Upsets like these can destroy even the most carefully picked brackets and cause an aspiring bracketologist to weep like a schoolchild.

But amidst the tears and angry screams at the television, one can see the true beauty of March Madness. The true beauty of March Madness does not lie in picking the perfect bracket or winning the office tournament, it lies in the experience.
There are few things in this world that are more exciting to a sports fan than being able to cheer on their favorite team. March Madness is the only time of the year when every game has “your favorite team” playing. Every game matters, every win makes you cheer, and every loss hurts you. This week my roommate and I were watching three games at the same time and we cared about every single one, because all of them were important for our brackets. That is a sports fans dream, to be able to go crazy and be passionate no matter who is playing.

So if your bracket is destroyed and you have no more chance to claim the coveted title of champion, do not be depressed. There are still two more weeks of March Madness. That is two more weeks of buzzer beaters, two weeks of amazing upsets, and two weeks of cheering for your picks to go all the way. So to all the sports fans out there, keep watching, this holiday only comes once a year so don’t waste it pouting over your busted bracket.

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